Ako si weboví servery vedia, či používate priamy prístup na IP adresu alebo nie?


Ako si weboví servery vedia, či používate priamy prístup na IP adresu alebo nie?
Ako si weboví servery vedia, či používate priamy prístup na IP adresu alebo nie?
Zvyčajne stačí zadať adresu webovej stránky, ktorú chceme zobraziť, ale webový server by skutočne "vedel", ak by sme použili priamu IP adresu? Dnešný príspevok typu SuperUser Q & A má odpoveď na otázku zmeteného čitateľa.
Zvyčajne stačí zadať adresu webovej stránky, ktorú chceme zobraziť, ale webový server by skutočne "vedel", ak by sme použili priamu IP adresu? Dnešný príspevok typu SuperUser Q & A má odpoveď na otázku zmeteného čitateľa.

Dnešná relácia otázok a odpovedí sa k nám pridelí zdvorilosťou SuperUser - podskupiny Stack Exchange, skupín webových stránok týkajúcich sa otázok a odpovedí.

Foto s láskavým dovolením Cory M. Grenier (Flickr).


Čítačka SuperUser Joseph A. chce vedieť, ako môžu webové servery zisťovať, či používate priamy prístup k IP adresám alebo nie:

Some web servers, when accessed using their IP address, return an error that direct IP address access is not allowed. I have been wondering for some time how this works.

Does a browser always resolve the IP address and connect to it? Direct IP address access is just skipping DNS altogether, right? How does a remote server even know that you skipped DNS?

Ako webové servery vedia, či používate priamy prístup k IP adresám alebo nie?


Sprostredkovateľ SuperUser iAdjunct má pre nás odpoveď:

To answer your question of how it knows, it has to do with what your browser sends the web server. You are right that the system always resolves it to an IP address, but the browser sends the URL you attempted to access in the HTTP header.

Here is a sample header that I found online, modified to look as though you used Firefox on Windows and typed apple.com into the address bar:

Here is what the header would look like if you used its IP address:
Here is what the header would look like if you used its IP address:
Both of these would be sent to the same IP address over a socket, but the browser tells the web server what it accessed. Why? Because web servers with the same IP address may host multiple websites and give different pages for each. It cannot distinguish who wants which page by IP address because they all have the same one, but it can distinguish them by the HTTP header.
Both of these would be sent to the same IP address over a socket, but the browser tells the web server what it accessed. Why? Because web servers with the same IP address may host multiple websites and give different pages for each. It cannot distinguish who wants which page by IP address because they all have the same one, but it can distinguish them by the HTTP header.

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