Môže softvér rozlíšiť medzi stolným počítačom a notebookom?


Môže softvér rozlíšiť medzi stolným počítačom a notebookom?
Môže softvér rozlíšiť medzi stolným počítačom a notebookom?

Video: Môže softvér rozlíšiť medzi stolným počítačom a notebookom?

Video: Môže softvér rozlíšiť medzi stolným počítačom a notebookom?
Video: TOP 5 Jak fotit lepší fotografie - YouTube 2024, Smieť
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Mnoho softvérových licencií je dosť reštriktívnych, pokiaľ ide o to, ako a kde môžete nainštalovať program, ale aké dobré sú tieto programy pri určovaní typu zariadenia, na ktorom sú nainštalované? Dnešný príspevok SuperUser Q & A má odpoveď na otázku zvedavého čitateľa.

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Foto s láskavým dovolením Robert (Flickr).


Čítač SuperUser Abhi chce vedieť, či softvér môže skutočne rozlišovať medzi stolným počítačom a prenosným počítačom:

A license for CPU-intensive software like Pix4D says that it can be installed on two devices, but with one condition. Reading the fine print, it seems that one device can be a full-processing desktop/workstation whereas the second one must be a laptop or mobile device.

How would the software know what type of device it is installed on? Are there giveaways in the hardware specifications for determining something like this (i.e. the presence of a battery)?

Given that the software is fully functional on both devices, would this condition become irrelevant if I just buy a high-end laptop which is just as fast as the desktop?

Môže softvér skutočne rozlišovať medzi stolným počítačom a prenosným počítačom?


Príslušníci systému SuperUser abnev a Technik Empire majú odpoveď pre nás. Prvýkrát, abnev:

On Linux, you can run the following command:

sudo dmidecode –string chassis-type

On a laptop, this will return laptop, notebook, portable, or sub-notebook (depending on the manufacturer).

For Windows, refer to the following TechNet documentation to determine your computer chassis type: Identifying the Chassis Type of a Computer

Nasledovala odpoveď spoločnosti Technik Empire:

To add to the other answer here regarding Linux, Windows software can also access this information through various provided WinAPI methods/objects. One such example is Win32_ComputerSystem, which among others, has members like:

Possible values include:
Possible values include:
As for how Windows knows this, while I cannot say with certainty because I presently lack both the Windows source code and any official documentation links, I would say it is a simple matter of the hardware ID’s within the computer giving this information away to the operating system.
As for how Windows knows this, while I cannot say with certainty because I presently lack both the Windows source code and any official documentation links, I would say it is a simple matter of the hardware ID’s within the computer giving this information away to the operating system.

Since Windows has a massive partner network that submits their drivers directly to Microsoft (for driver updates via Windows Update and “standard” drivers to include with installation media), it is pretty easy for Windows to figure out precisely what kind of computer you have it installed on. Just by the CPU ID alone, you could determine whether it is a desktop computer or a laptop.

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